Exploitation and exploration projects

The works exploration and explotation consist of the acquisition, integration and interpretation of geological, geophysical and geochemical data obtained in sampling polling, ditches, laboratory analysis (chemical and mineralogical) and metallurgy of a given area from a range of activities to locate, investigate and define mineral resources.
The works of exploration and exploitation, aim to characterize , as accurately as possible, the mineral deposit under consideration in its geometry, volume, quality levels and concentrations.
Each mineral deposit has, however, unique geological characteristics which should be considered in the planning of the exploration and exploitations works . Particularly, the definition of the target areas, prospecting methods (direct and / or indirect, remote detection, etc..) and in the development of sampling and analytical characterization plan.
The success of a exploration plan begins in its proper planning in which must be considered, among others, the scope, objectives, resources required, steps and timing. this way it will be possible to rationalize the use of the involved resources in order to obtain maximum information in the shortest time and at the lowest cost possible.
With the progress of work, the deposit will be characterized in an increasingly accurate way, and investors may consider, in each moment, and given the new data acquired, the economic viability of the mining project (once also considered context factors) deciding for its abandonment or continue their development until the exploitation phase.
Our services include all phases exploitation and exploration projects, from the planning to resource evaluation and features, in line with internationally recognized standards (JORC, NI43 101, among others).
VISA Portugal
Rua A Gazeta de Oeiras, 18-A,
2780-171 Oeiras,
(+351) 214 461 420
Mobile Phone
(+351) 962 503 650
(+351) 214 461 421
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