Waste Management Licensing
Screening and Recovery Units for CDW
Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) is waste from construction and civil engineering activities including excavation, embankments and construction, maintenance and demolition of buildings and roads. This category of waste includes all the various types of building materials, debris stones, soil, concrete, wood, metal and plastic packaging paper, cleaning materials etc.
From the environmental point of view the main problem of CDW is the large volume produced and its irregular deposition. In fact, in most cases, CDW are removed from the site and deposited clandestinely in wastelands, riverbanks and roadsides.. These, abandoned wastes are a factor of disruption of drainage networks, facilitate the spread of vectors harmful to public health, promote the partial interdiction of pathways and the degradation of landscape quality. The costs for such practices remediation eventually fall upon the municipalities compromising resources which are not always measurable for their removal and treatment.
Given the specificity of this type of waste (large volumes involved low intrinsic value and relatively low risks), the geographical constraint appears to be a critical activity issue. In fact, transportation is one of the key items of the cost structure, so that the economic activity depends largely on the location of the Screening and Recovery CDW Unit in relation to its production locations.

The Screening and Recovery Units for Construction and Demolition Waste are subject to General Regime of Waste Management has established by Decree-Law nr. 102-D/2020 of December 10th including management operations of waste resulting works or demolition of buildings or landslides designate by CDW, including its prevention and reuse, their collecting cost, transport, storing, sorting, treatment, recovery and disposal.

VISA Portugal
Rua A Gazeta de Oeiras, 18-A,
2780-171 Oeiras,
(+351) 214 461 420
Mobile Phone
(+351) 962 503 650
(+351) 214 461 421
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