Quality, Safety & Health Plans
Integrated management system
According to Directive 89/106/CE, of December 21st, on CE marking of Construction Products, transposed into national law by Decree-Law nr 113/93 of May 10th and amended by Decree-Law nr 4/2007 of January 8th, two kinds of products are obtained directly from the mining industry:
- those resulting from primary transformation, such as of Ornamental Rocks and Aggregates;
- those resulting from a secondary industrial transformation, such as Cement and Ceramic products, and Bituminous mixtures.
The CE Marking is granted when the company’s quality management system complies with the stipulated standards for the products’ intended application. It is, thus, an opportunity for companies to evolve towards ISO 9001 certification, implementing both systems simultaneously, once they are complementary.
The implementation of an integrated management system allows greater connection with the general management processes, once this last one works in cycles, increasing, thus, the possibility of gap correction. It also favours document implementation progress smoothing, once the standards for Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Management, have the same logical structure, allowing simultaneous design, implementation and auditing for the three systems.

VISA Portugal
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2780-171 Oeiras,
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