Evaluation of Mining Projects
Due diligence
Due dilligence of a mining project aims to assess its performance within the circumstances in which it is outlined, and may define actions that can improve and optimize its technical and economical performance.
The study typically involves:
- Context analysis, aiming to determine the project’s legal framework, in what concerns the several needed licenses, environmental and labor obligations, infra-structure, social and political framework;
- Geology and resources estimation, where several project elements are analyzed, like geological interpretation, quality of the supporting sampling and used processes for resources calculation;
- Exploitation and calculus of reserves, where the whole mining, exploitation and treatment project is analyzed, cut content and estimated reserves;
- Economic feasibility, which aims to assess the project’s feasibility, considering its operational and investment costs and expected income, taking into account regulation, social, environmental, logistical, technical and market aspects. This assessment is based on the determination of the Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on Investment, and may consider the present project features or different scenarios which may be defined, in a optimization perspective, including always an analysis of all relevant variables;
- Plan of proposed actions, which is the outcome of the critical analysis of the project options, with implications at the operation costs and investment level, aiming to improve the technical and economical performance.
Is important has a support document for trading and market financing operations.

VISA Portugal
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2780-171 Oeiras,
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